Aviation, Space, and Defense

For you as a supplier in the aerospace industry there is no ifs and buts. There are only the highest standards of quality and safety along the entire supply and value chain. The proof: A certificate according to EN 9100ff. With a focus on supply chain management, leading aerospace companies increasingly require their suppliers to become certified to AS9100 and/or AS9120.
The EN 9100ff series of standards was first published in 1998 by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG). It formulates requirements for a quality management system for companies in the aerospace and defence industry. In addition to customer-specific requirements for the processes, especially at the interfaces of the supply chain, the standard is oriented to the specifications of the aviation authorities. The series of standards was fundamentally revised with the revision of ISO 9001. Among the innovations are the conversion to HLS (High Level Structure), increased risk and process orientation, product safety, prevention of counterfeit parts, human factors and a stronger orientation towards the needs of interested parties.
This trend to concentrate on only “a few strategic suppliers”, places a heavy emphasis on supply chain management – a development that resulted in significantly increased demand. With an increase to more than 400 certified sites worldwide, DQS ranks among the most significant certification bodies for the aerospace industry. The DQS offices are holding a strong market positions.