ISCC-PLUS is the sustainability certification system for food and feed and for technical / chemical applications (for example, bioplastics) and bioenergy (for example, solid biomass). It offers an efficient option to extend its certification in the area of sustainability for these products, addressing the food, feed, chemical / technical and applications sector in the bioenergy sector.
Background: with the Directive 2009/28 / EC (Renewable Energy Directive, RED), the European Commission has defined a framework in which the liquid biomass used for the generation of energy can be considered to be produced in a sustainable way and, therefore, , subject to tax deductions. By December 5, 2010, the Member States of the European Union had to transform this Directive into national legislation.
The objective of the ISCC PLUS certification is to ensure that the products labeled under its scheme are produced from sustainable biomass.
ISCC-PLUS includes regulations about traceability and about greenhouse gas calculations. Its basic requirements for sustainable agricultural production are in line with those of ISCC-EU. Therefore, the basic requirements of ISCC-PLUS are based not only on legal foundations, but are already known and distributed throughout the world in supply chains.
ISCC-PLUS can be modularly adapted to the specific requirements of the certification, for example through modules such as banned chemicals, environmental management and biodiversity, supplies, greenhouse gas emissions, free of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and others .
Advantage: Adaptability to the needs of the organization: Supply chains can avoid expensive multiple certifications and accelerate the standardization, by taking advantage of the structure of existing and respected certifications in the field. ISCC-PLUS is a new step in this trend.