ISO 29990 is the International Standard for Education and Training. With ISO 29990, the teaching institutes have in their hands the first international standard that focuses on the most important asset they have: learning services. The standard can be certified, so it is highly recommended to check the quality and competence of the teaching institutes in front of all the interested parties – above all, the students themselves.
The market for educational services is very competitive, and not only in the private sector. Public sector institutions also have to work very hard to stay ahead of the curve. The new standard offers a much-needed focus on the current needs of any target group. Furthermore, it promotes the design of adequate services and the evaluation of learning outcomes, making it a useful system to demonstrate competence and quality. In addition, ISO 29990 is also a valuable tool for organizational management and control. The keywords are in this sense the general resources, financial and risk management.
“Does ISO 29990 replace ISO 9001?”
ISO 9001 is and remains the main standard for quality management. ISO 29990 contains elements similar to ISO 9001, but focuses mainly on the design of educational processes. As such, it is a strong complement, but no replacement.
“Does ISO 29990 replace ISO 9001?”
ISO 9001 is and remains the main standard for quality management. ISO 29990 contains elements similar to ISO 9001, but focuses mainly on the design of educational processes. As such, it is a strong complement, but no replacement.
“Why certify ISO 29990 – is application not enough?”
The implementation and dynamic design of a management system is the real and indispensable task of any organization. The evaluation and certification of these systems provides the relevant public actors with objective evidence of competence and quality.
“Can ISO 29990 be used as an entry strategy?”
Yes! For educational institutes that have not implemented a management system, ISO 29990 is a guide for quality management, which specifically addresses the education sector, including the management of general resources, finance and risk management.
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